
Managing Amazon Product Reviews

In the day and age of ecommerce, it's clear that product reviews have become an essential tool for online shoppers. Without being able to view products in person they now rely heavily on other people's experiences to inform whether to make a purchase. In fact, in a study done by Deloitte shows that 81% of potential buyers are reading customer reviews and ratings before deciding on buying an item. 60% of people also named reviews as one of their most trusted sources of information. So, what is the best way to generate and handle reviews?

Generating reviews

Whilst many people rely on reviews to buy products, it can be much more difficult to get customers to leave reviews. One suggestion for doing so is to use an email follow-up campaign, which can both be a good way to increase reviews and to set up communication between you and your customer. …

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Inventory Reduction Strategies

Having excess stock can take up warehouse space, leading it to be costly and divert resources and attention from selling other products. This means it's vital to have pre-planned strategies in place to make sure you're not desperately clearing stock last minute. Make sure you have a limit on how long inventory can be in the warehouse for before determining it as excess stock and then have a look at our helpful tips below on how to shift it.

  • Create a dedicated sale page

By simply putting your excess products on sale in an obvious and highlighted page on your website, it will immediately draw buyers in. Not only this, but having all your sale items in one coherent place will mean customers are more likely to be attracted to other items they may not have noticed otherwise. Whilst this may seem like the obvious solution, it's not one that …

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Multi-channel Selling

These days selling your products on a singular platform is not enough. Consumers want the ease of multiple options. It may be important to make sure consumers are seeing your brand vision through your own website. However, the reality is almost half of all consumers will start their search on a marketplace platform, like Amazon or eBay. This is why it's so important to look into the prospect of multi-channel selling - making your products available not just on one site, but on as many different platforms as possible.


Consumer trust

Consumers are a lot more likely to trust established marketplaces than brands they may not know. In turn, they are more likely to trust a brand that is tied to an online marketplace. When starting out, it can be really helpful to utilise consumers trust in big marketplace websites, like Amazon, as a way to build up trust …

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Optimising Amazon Product Listings

Making sure your product listings are optimised is an essential part of getting sales on Amazon. When you are competing against a multitude of other products it's your listing images and descriptions that will make what you're selling stand out. Think of it as your sales pitch to potential customers. Below we look at the key aspects of optimising your product listings to make sure you get the sale!


One of the first things buyers eyes will be drawn to is the image of your product. If you don't have clear and detailed images, buyers will not trust what you are selling - this is their main way of getting a feel for the product. Think about these key aspects when selecting pictures to represent your listing:

  • High quality: Make sure your pictures are at least 1000x500 resolution. Blurry or pixelated images won't give the buyer a true sense …

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A quick guide to Amazon Business

Originally launched in the US in 2015, Amazon has found a great deal of success with their Amazon Business program, generating over $1 billion in sales in their first year. Building on that, they expanded the program to include Amazon Germany in 2016, and most recently to Amazon UK earlier this year (2017). With over 50,000 businesses utilising the German site for sales, it continues to grow making it a tool worth investigating for all B2B sellers.

Here we've uploaded a handy guide to explain what it is and some information that can help you decide if it's the right tool for your business.

So what exactly is it?

Amazon Business is a marketplace feature on Amazon that works as a targeted way for businesses to engage professional customers in supply chain relationships. Having a Business Seller account functions in a similar way as a regular account, but with special …

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Amazon Sponsored Products: The Basics

Already got the Buy Box but looking to take your sales one step further? Amazon Sponsored Products could offer the extra edge needed to get clicks on your listings and boost your profits even further.

Amazon Sponsored Products

How does it work?

Much like ads displayed in Google Adwords, Sponsored Products are essentially image ads that appear alongside other search results. In Amazon, however, the difference between sponsored posts is slightly more subtle, with only a small grey Sponsored tag appearing beside the paid for ads. These feature above, to the side or even in between other search results, leading to high visibility. They also tend to feature on the carousel of the product features page as related searches.

In order to be eligible for Sponsored Products, you must meet a few requirements; you have to be an active Seller with new product listings in an applicable category - note that used or …

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5 Mistakes to avoid when selling on Amazon

Selling on Amazon can be complex and at times it can be hard to understand why products aren't shifting. Part of being a successful seller on Amazon is having an airtight strategy in place, which means making sure your customer service is up to scratch and your processing system is running smoothly. Below are five common mistakes people can make when starting out on Amazon, that can mean low sales levels, and what to do to avoid them.

Amazon repricer

Slow response to customers

Customer engagement is hugely important in running a successful ecommerce business. It shows customers you care and can help set you apart from other companies. The better your service is, the more likely people are to buy from you and become repeat customers.

Not only will delayed responses to customers negatively impact your image, but on Amazon it can even lead to your account being suspended. Amazon gives …

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