Amazon Repricing Updates March 2019

Seller Republic has had a busy month of development. Following on from our recent updates, that increased listings count up to 25000 on our standard account plans. 

We are pleased to release a host of new features. These include a generic behind the scenes system update that will ensure Seller Republic remains at the forefront of the Repricing industry for years to come. Additional updates continue to incorporate Seller Republic's simplicity, whilst adding important features for current customers and to attract new customers. Major enhancements include a focus on non-new product listings.

Condition Repricing 

Amazon Condition Type Repricing

Seller Republic now has the ability to Reprice against differing condition types. This is particularly useful for sellers selling non-new product types. The system is programmed to automatically Reprice like for like i.e. new for new and used for used etc. With our new advanced options in one click, users can …

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