
How Repricing Software Can Give You An Edge In E-Commerce

Any seller who has more SKUs than the number of toes on their right foot knows that manual repricing is a headache. Not only do prices change by the minute, there is a lot more than low price that goes into your success as a seller. Get a repricer to save you time to focus on the truly important stuff – building a relationship with your buyers through follow-up and customer support. Far more economical than hiring a personal assistant, your repricer is the best 'help' that you can get. As your profits and popularity soar, you will watch it pay for itself many times over!

Repricing software requires only the bare minimum input from you. Just enter the relevant details of your stock, plus your desired floor and ceiling prices, and …

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The Best Social Media Tools of 2016

A quick Internet search will reveal that there are almost more social media tools than there are One Direction fans, and the number is growing each day. As a business owner, there is a pressing need to reach your target demographic by surfing the social media wave, but are your efforts oriented in the right direction? Not only must you contend with a vast number of competitors, but also with the ever decreasing attention spans of consumers. Is your content viral or a virus?

Here are 10 of our favorite social media tools that can help you make a difference:


Buffer can be used for scheduling and sharing your posts to LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and Facebook throughout the day – at optimal times. It's a simple tool, and it includes detailed analytics that will tell you what is working when, why, and where. Its best feature is a browser …

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Top Tools for Amazon Sellers

Learn how the Pro's Turbo Charge their Amazon Businesses

Selling on Amazon can be a lucrative full time business or something that you do part-time to earn extra money. Anyone who has attempted to sell a product on Amazon knows how time consuming the process can be. Everything from finding a good product to sell to calculating potential profits can eat away at valuable hours of your time that could be spent growing your online business. Below we will show you some top tools for Amazon sellers.

Automation Tools for Amazon

Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is the go-to software for Amazon FBA private label sellers. To be clear from the start we will be talking about 2 separate tools that Jungle Scout offers. They work very well together, so most purchase both.

Finding the right niche and product to sell on Amazon can be a daunting task. Jungle Scout eliminates the tedious hours spent …

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How to Choose an Amazon Repricer

At Seller Republic we have personally tested many of our competitors in order to develop what we aim to be the ultimate repricer. Although there is a lot to app development the basic points below may help you with your search for a repricer whether it is us or a competitor.

Main Differences between Repricers:

The main differences are ease of use, reliability, price, in-built pricing rules, advanced features like being able to exclude certain sellers i.e. FBA or non FBA and the ability for the repricer to intelligently reprice up as well as down (this is vital as it is the way you increase profits at the same time as increasing sales).

Web Based vs. Downloadable Program: You may also notice that some repricers are downloadable programs rather than being web based. By the very nature of Amazon being an online business in the cloud it is best to …

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Amazon Inventory Management Tips: FBA

Managing your Amazon inventory always proves to be a difficult task. It gets challenging to constantly keep a clear record of your inventory stock and change your prices over and over so your products would be more competitive in the market. It's true that managing and repricing services might make this mission-impossible relatively easy but it still needs a bit of work keeping up with everything. In this article, we'll be talking to you about Amazon FB inventory management and giving you some insights that will hopefully help you control your inventory with more ease.

What does Fulfillment by Amazon mean?

Integrating with fulfilment by Amazon is very important in Inventory Management. If an item is Fulfilled by Amazon, it means that it's offered by a third-party seller who is independent from Amazon but the product is being shipped by an Amazon Fulfilment centre. And of course, all Amazon policies …

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Amazon Vendor Central VS. Amazon Seller Central

Selling on Amazon is always a great way to get your products out there and boost your sales up a notch, but it also gets a bit confusing at times. The globally popular website has two main ways that you can work with: Vendor Center and Seller Center, but you can only pick one. In this article, we'll try to tell you all you need to know about them and show you the differences so you can decide which one would work best for your company.

Amazon Vendor Central & Amazon Seller Central - How are they Different?

Amazon Vendor Central works by an invite-only system and is generally made for the large companies and the popular brands. If you choose to work with Vendor Central, you'll be considered a first-party seller. Where you'll be acting as a supplier and will be selling your products to Amazon in bulk. Amazon …

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Amazon’s Buy Box and How to Win it

Amazon has grown to be one of the biggest companies in the World. It's racing the winds with a 27.2% yearly growth which is higher than any other company in the top 10. One of Amazon's great successes is the Buy Box. In this article, we'll be telling you more about the Buy Box powers and giving you a couple of tips on how to win it.

What is the Amazon Buy Box?

If you don't know what the Buy Box is, look at the right corner of an Amazon's product detail screen. Can you see that little blue box staring right at you? Yep, that's our champion. It may seem unimportant to a buyer, but to a seller it's the real deal. As the internet likes to call it, it's the Holy Grail of Amazon. It basically means the most visibility, searches and sales.

Why is winning the Amazon …

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