As anyone who sells on Amazon knows getting the Buy Box for a product can be one of the most important and effective ways to increase your sales. However, when you're competing with lots of other sellers to get it, it can sometimes be a bit of a challenge. Check out our tips that will help you secure it and boost your profits now.

Tricks to win the Buy Box Amazon

Be Buy Box eligible

This might seem like an obvious one but it's an important place to start. Whilst being Buy Box eligible will not guarantee you the Buy Box, not having eligibility will certainly mean you can't get it. In order to achieve this status you must meet certain metrics decided by Amazon. These include, amongst other Seller performance metrics:

  • being a Professional Seller
  • customer feedback scores
  • level of service (for instance speed of delivery, shipping options etc)
  • time and experience of selling on Amazon (usually between 3-6 months)

You can check your Buy Box eligible status by going into the Inventory tab in your Seller Central dashboard. From there you click on Manage Inventory, Preferences and then in the Column display select Buy Box eligible and Save Changes. You will then be offered a list showing which of your products are Buy Box eligible.

Don't worry if your products aren't, sometimes it takes a bit of time and patience to gain eligibility as you build up your reputation. To make sure your listings get the best chance make sure you provide excellent and timely shipping and customer services, as well as optimising your product listings.

Once your products are eligible you can follow these tips to secure the Buy Box.

Use a repricer

Using a repricer will give you a great advantage in being able to win the Buy Box because it uses algorithms to automatically determine the best price your listings should be set at in order to always win you the Buy Box. Here at Seller Republic our repricer is continuous meaning it is constantly and automatically checking the market for price changes so your products will be always be ahead of the competition.

Not only this, but at Seller Republic we have introduced a new Max Price Reset feature that ensures that when you get the Buy Box you will retain it at the maximum possible price every day.

Get reviews

When consumers are buying online so much of the information they use when deciding where to buy is based on other customer reviews. However, most customers will rarely remember to write a review for your product unless there was something wrong. Combat this trend by sending a friendly follow up email checking that everything was okay with the product and asking if they may consider reviewing it. Remember to abide by Amazon's policies when it comes to these emails and don't specifically ask for five star reviews or offer incentives, just ask for an honest review. Not only will a high amount of reviews show other consumers they can trust you but it will also factor into Amazon's Buy Box metrics.

Keep an eye on inventory and shipping practices

This one goes hand in hand with having good customer service. For one, you will not be awarded the Buy Box if your item is out of stock. For two, if you have problems with your stock it is likely that you will have delays delivering to your customers. This will lead to both negative reviews and also drop your score within Amazon's Buy Box metrics. Make sure you keep up to date with what you have in your inventory and have a system set up which allows you to know when you are running low on stock and how to combat that.

Also make sure you explore all your shipping options. If you are FBA the options are slightly more limited in the sense that you have little choice. With FBM you can consider absorbing the shipping cost, which will both gain you points with Amazon and with customers. You should also consider having a variety of shipping options. However, you must weigh up whether the possibility of getting the Buy Box outweighs the ease (and potential difference in cost) that comes with using FBA. It has actually also been suggested, although not proven, that Amazon tends to favour FBA products when it comes to the Buy Box.

Keep your order defect rate low

The three components that comprise of order defect rates are negative customer feedback, A-Z guarantee claims and service chargebacks. These are basically measures put in place to test customer satisfaction after you have sold them the product. As long as you make sure your processes are well tested out, efficient and customer friendly you should be okay. To do this, it is a good idea to do a few test runs so you can iron out any potential problems before selling to the public.

As long as you follow these tips you should be able to secure the Buy Box in no time. For guaranteed results, why not try out our 14-day free trial to see just how easy it is to get the Buy Box and maximise your profits in no time with Seller Republic.

Amazon Repricing Software