Max Price Reset/Scheduled Max Pricing - Get the Amazon Buy Box at the Highest Price in One Click

Continually repricing down has been a bane of Amazon Sellers using Repricers. Although still massively effective at increasing profits, Repricers have had a habit of repricing downwards which was frustrating for users. The problem we get into is that Repricers don't usually price back up. Therefore once they pull your prices down and you get the Buy Box the prices can get stuck there, even when you could still have the Buy Box but at a higher price.

This gets more interesting as research shows that having the Buy Box is the vital thing here, not having the lowest price. So if we can get the Buy Box at a higher price there is a large additional profit to be quickly and easily made.

If the average seller who sells just 20 products a day was able to get the Buy Box at just $1 higher over the period of a month this would equate to approximately $600 extra revenue. In reality, sellers are making hundreds, if not thousands or even tens of thousands of sales each day. Additionally, the $1 increase is conservative and dependent on the sale price. It is not unusual to increase sale price whilst holding the buy box by as much as 30%. This results in some huge savings.

Introducing Max Price Reset

Fundamentally this feature brings an added intelligence to Seller Republic, as we can get you the Buy Box at a higher price.

Activating the feature takes seconds. Simply create a new strategy here and choose a 'Repricing Rule' that gets you the Buy Box. Then tick 'Use max price reset', save the strategy and apply to listings. This can be done in a matter of seconds.

Repricing Up Amazon

The feature allows you to schedule a daily, automatic raise of your prices to your max to lose the buy box momentarily and get repricing started again when holding the buy box and using the win buy box strategies.

This will be invaluable to help those who want to use buy box strategies but still reprice once you take control of the buy box (repricing stops when you have the buy box to stop you competing with yourself).

Activation of this on a strategy triggers you losing the buy box in the early hours of the morning (when minimal/no sales come through). This will get repricing started again, and then allow you to retake the buy box yet at the highest price possible.

Reprice Intelligently With Amazon

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